In 1589, arguing over the support for the building of Uto Castle, the leaders of Amakusa confronted Konishi Yukinaga. With assistance from Kato Kiyomasa, Yukinaga attacked the Shiki Castle. Kiyama Danjo, who was staying at Hondo Castle as a guest commander, headed to Shiki with 500 soldiers and waited for Kato Kiyomasa at Bukki-zaka. Plunging deep into the enemy to get Kiyomasa, Danjo’s aim was to engage him in one-on-one combat, and he pinned Kiyomasa down. When he was about to behead Kiyomasa, he was mistakenly speared by his own soldier, who had come to assist him, and he died disappointed. Bukki-zaka is said to be the place where that battle occurred.