赤穂市 日本遺産スマートガイド
Ako City JAPAN HERITAGE Smart Guide
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12.The Nishihama Salt Farm’s Water Channels and its Tateba Ruins
Compared to the Higashihama Salt Farm, the Nishihama Salt Farm’s water channels had a more organized layout, but because most of them have been lost, it cannot be seen today. The farm’s tateba (an area where fire was used on boats’ exteriors to do things such as kill shipworms and remove water from the wood) had various uses. It served as a dock where boats traveling through the water channels could anchor. It also served as a place where the load capacity of newly-constructed uwanibune, boats that transported things such as the salt and fuel used in kamaya (a building where concentrated brine was boiled in a cauldron), could be measured with a tameishi, a type of stone weight. On the banks of the former water channels in the area around the tateba, a lot of the original masonry remains, and one can get an idea of what the water channels that connected the sea and the salt farm looked like.
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